Local News

Local and regional reporting by and for the lower Columbia Pacific region. Produced by the KMUN News Department.

Latest Episodes

August 06, 2019 00:02:54
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Local News: Astoria considers marijuana possession ordinance for city parks

At Monday’s Astoria City Council meeting, councilors debated an ordinance proposal regarding marijuana in city parks, among other business. Joanne Rideout reports: Scroll down...


July 25, 2019 00:05:45
Episode Cover

Local News: Astoria Planning Commission – a closer look at waterfront building height

Story script:  Listen below [5:43] The short answer was that the planning commission decided to recommend a 35-foot height limit, which is not what...


July 02, 2019 00:02:39
Episode Cover

Local News: Astoria City Council meeting highlights

The Astoria City Council met Monday night to approve some changes to waterfront code and homestay lodging regulations. They also approved the city purchase...


July 01, 2019 00:04:15
Episode Cover

Local News: Seaview, Wash., says an emphatic ‘no’ to Long Beach annex idea

On Saturday, Seaview, Washington, residents met with the Long Beach city administrator to discuss a controversial idea. Joanne Rideout reports. Listen below [4:14]. ———————————————–...


June 18, 2019 00:03:39
Episode Cover

Local News: Astoria City Council considers waterfront code

A look at the Astoria City Council’s June 17th meeting, where they considered waterfront code changes, among other agenda items. Joanne Rideout reports.


June 12, 2019 00:03:48
Episode Cover

Local News: Port of Astoria Commissioners consider firing director

Local News: The Port of Astoria dropped a bombshell this week during a special meeting, where commissioners discussed firing the executive director. [3:37] The...
